6 Longshore Way, Milton Locks, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO4 8LS contact@lockssc.co.uk

Clubhouse Booking Procedure

The clubhouse can be booked by Locks Sailing Club members for personal use on the following basis.
In booking the club house, you are accepting these terms and conditions and recognise that any
issues arising from a private booking will be considered by the Committee for further action in
accordance with the club rules.

  • The booking is for the use of the club member and their guests and is not for a third party.
  • The use of the club is in keeping with the ethos and aims of the club.
  • The club member is present for the duration of the event.
  • Any booking made for an evening event does not extend beyond 11pm.
  • The club is left in a clean and tidy condition immediately after the booking and ready for use by members that evening (for a day time booking) or the next morning (for an evening booking).
  • Bookings do not conflict with club sailing or other club events. Sailing and other club events
    are always a priority.
  • All guests are signed in to the Guest Book by the club member who has made the booking.
  • The full costs of any damages or additional cleaning that may be required to the club or its
    furniture or equipment are paid for by the club member.
  • The bar may be made available for the event with the agreement of the Bar Manager and o
  • the understanding that a trained club member is available and willing to run the bar. If the
    bar is in use, all normal licencing conditions apply including closing of the bar at 11pm
    (10.30pm Sundays, Good Friday or Christmas Day).

Procedure for booking:

The club calendar is managed by the Bar Manager who keeps the club house calendar up to date.
This can be viewed by members on the Clubhouse Calendar page or via this link

Requests for bookings to Jim Wicks: jawicks@cisco.com who will confirm whether or not the
requested date is available and book it in the diary.

There are no charges to members for use of the club house however the club would appreciate a
donation to contribute to the cost of general wear and tear and use of club facilities.

Locks Sailing Committee
August 2017

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