Patrol Boat Policy and Use
Policies for the Use and Operation of the club Patrol Boats:
Patrol Boat Operation
It is the policy of Locks SC that a Patrol Boat must be used when any racing or Junior sailing is in operation. Generally, this is one boat, but with large fleets or larger groups of inexperienced and or Juniors this may require both patrol boats.
These procedures should be read in conjunction with the Patrol Boat Risk Assessment.
Patrol Boat Policy and Procedures available here
Patrol Boat Risk Assessment
The Risk Assessment Table identifies the activities/tasks to be carried out, what the hazards are, the likelihood, consequence and risk where:
• Risk (R) = Likelihood x Consequence
• What corrective action can be taken to eliminate or minimise the risk and the responsibility (named member)
• Residual Risk - What risk is remaining after corrective action is taken
• Residual Risk (R) = Likelihood x Consequence
Risk Assessment Table available here